Monopolistic And Restrictive Trade Practices Act,1969: An Overview

The MRTP Act was introduced to provide that the operation of the economic system does not result in the concentration of economic power in hands of few. Through this article, an overview of the MRTP Act has been done including the salient features, the important provisions, the amendments which have been made over the years It was later repealed and replaced by the Competition Act, 2002 but it still was the first legislation in India regulating the market.

The Monopolistic and Restrictive Trade Practices Act, 1969, was enacted:

  1. To ensure that the operation of the economic system does not result in the concentration of economic power in hands of a few,
  2. To provide for the control of monopolies, and
  3. To prohibit monopolistic and restrictive trade practices.
  1. Any undertaking owned or controlled by the Government Company,
  2. Any undertaking owned or controlled by the Government,
  3. Any undertaking owned or controlled by a corporation (not being a company established by or under any Central, Provincial or State Act,
  4. Any trade union or other association of workmen or employees formed for their reasonable protection as such workmen or employees,
  5. Any undertaking engaged in an industry, the management of which has been taken over by any person or body of persons under powers by the Central Government,
  6. Any undertaking owned by a co-operative society formed and registered under any Central, Provincial, or State Act,
  7. Any financial institution.

Scope & features of MRTP, Act, 1969

The salient features of the MRTP Act of 1969 are as follows:
Aim of the Act:
MRTP Act came into existence on 1 June 1970. The law was enacted with the sole aim of achieving the largest possible production with the least damage to people at large whilst securing maximum benefit.

Scope of the MRTP Act, 1969

To first understand the salient features that govern the MRTP Act, 1969, it is important to truly understand the scope of its applicability.

However, with the wave of globalization that came to post the 1991 reforms the whole scenario in the country changed. A need for modification in the existing MRTP Act to keep pace with the rapidly changing economic scenario arose.

Loopholes in the MRTP Act and Subsequent Amendments:

Law Article in India

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