How to Order Your Oregon Driving Record

A driving record is kept by the Oregon Department of Motor Vehicles for all residents who have a valid driver’s license. Continue reading to learn what type of information your OR personal driving record reveals.

What is on my Oregon driving record?

Depending on the type of driving record and where you purchase it, your Oregon driving record may provide either a partial or complete outline of your personal OR driving history. If you order your driving record directly from the Oregon Department of Motor Vehicles, it will contain:

If you order your driving record through, you will receive valuable information such as: violation convictions, accidents (if reported by the state), suspensions or limitations, special license classifications and DUI offenses on record.

Did you know? Your personal driving history is a public record. Potential employers, insurance providers, and courts of law can all request a copy of your driving history.

What do points on my Oregon driving record mean?

The Oregon Department of Motor Vehicles does not have an official point system, and uses an alternate tracking system instead. This system makes all traffic tickets have the same value and significance.

The Oregon DMV takes into account the number of tickets you get and how often you get them. Drivers who get too many tickets or are involved in too many accidents face driver’s license suspension.

In case you find incorrect information on your driving record, contact your Oregon DMV office and fix the mistakes. You can attend a traffic school, such as a driver improvement program as a way to avoid future violations and to become a better driver.

How do points against my Oregon license affect me?

Since there is no point system in Oregon, you will not need to worry about the affect of points. However, the number of traffic tickets you accumulate on your driving record, might bring you a suspension or restriction on your driver’s license. Drivers may receive the following suspensions:

How do I remove drivers license points from my record?

Oregon residents do not have to remove demerit points from their driving history reports, because the state does not have an official point system like other states. If you want to dismiss a traffic ticket that is on your driving record, you may do that by attending a traffic school course.

On the other hand, there are some restrictions. You will not be allowed to remove traffic tickets from your driving history if you have a CDL license, committed the violation while driving over 100 mph, committed another traffic violation or participated in a traffic school program in the last three years.

Keeping a clean OR DMV driving record and attending a driver improvement program might help limit the number of offenses or violations, and become a safer and more responsible traffic participant. For a list of traffic schools, click here.

How long do points stay on my Oregon driving record?

Having no official point system in Oregon means that there are no points placed on your personal driving record. However, the more tickets you get on your record, the higher the chances are to get a suspension on your driving privileges and license.

To avoid this situation, order a copy of your personal OR driving history and keep track of the number of offenses and violations you commit.

Oregon DUI Records

The Oregon Department of Motor Vehicles issues DUI criminal records as a part of your driving record. This part of your driving history lists your total number of DUI offenses. You will be required to show this list as proof of your DUI arrest records when you enroll in a drug and alcohol education class.

How do I know if my Oregon driving license is suspended?

Ordering your personal driving record might help you find out whether your license is suspended or not. You can check not only the status of your license but also the number of your past traffic violations.

You can also check how many violations you are allowed to commit before your license is suspended. Your Oregon driver’s license will be suspended if you commit any of the following violations:

Previous Traffic Violations

The tracking system used by the Oregon Department of Motor Vehicles makes all traffic tickets have the same value and significance. Your driving record reveals the tickets you get and how often you get them.

If you get too many tickets, your driving privileges could be suspended or revoked. Details on the violations and offenses you have committed can be found in your Oregon driving history report.

Why do I need a copy of my Oregon driving record?

A copy of the Oregon driving record is needed when applying for a commercial driver position or for auto insurance. You are advised to provide your personal OR driving history when applying for a driving position or to get cheaper auto insurance.

Check for Points in Oregon

The Oregon Department of Motor Vehicles has a tracking system which contains all your traffic tickets and violations. Ordering your personal driving record will help you find out how many more offenses you are allowed to commit before getting a suspension on your driver’s license.

Applying for a Commercial Driver Position in Oregon

When drivers apply for a commercial driver position, they need to be aware of the fact that their future employers will check their driving records as part of the selection process. Employers use employee driving records to determine if a candidate will be a liability. To avoid paying medical bills or for property damages, employers will not hire a candidate with a poor driving record.

Having a clean Oregon driving record will increase your chances of getting the commercial driver position you applied for. Order your personal driving history report and fix any mistakes that might hinder you from getting the job.

Lower Oregon Car Insurance Premiums

The number of traffic violations and tickets on your Oregon driving record will determine your insurance premiums. As long as you keep a clean driving record you will have a chance to lower your insurance premiums before applying for auto insurance.

Take Oregon Traffic School to Prevent Points

Oregon does not have an official point system like other states, therefore residents will not have to remove demerit points from their driving history reports. However, you can remove traffic tickets or lower the number of traffic violations and tickets by keeping a clean OR DMV driving record.

You also have the option of attending a driver improvement program. A traffic school course will also help you become a safer and more responsible traffic participant.

Why do employers check your Oregon driving record?

Employers check the employee driving history reports as part of their examination of the potential candidates for the job they offer. Your Oregon driving record tracks the traffic tickets or violations that a driver makes.

To avoid being held liable for medical bills or property damages, ordering copies of the driving histories of all candidates is standard procedure for employers. Your driving record indicates if you will be a safe and responsible driver to employ.

How do I get my Oregon driving record? recommends ordering driving records from a secure and reliable source. You have the option of ordering your driving record directly from a local government branch of the Oregon DMV. This is usually the most cost-effective way to obtain your driving record.

Different Types of Oregon Driving Records

There are four different types of driving records issued by Oregon Department of Motor Vehicles. These four types of records are outlined below.

Certified Court Print Driving Record

The certified court print driving record includes the traffic violations and accidents from the last five years.

Non-Employment Driving Record

The Oregon non-employment driving record contains the violations, accidents, convictions, suspensions, revocations and cancellations from the past three years.

Non-Employment, Open-Ended Driving Record

This type of driving record is the same as the non-employment, yet shows your whole driving history. This record is usually issued to insurance companies who are vetting if a driver is eligible for a discount.

Employment Driving Record

The employment driving record is a three-year record. It contains only the convictions and accidents in which the driver was involved while on the job. This type of driving record is usually ordered by potential employers.

How do I fix a mistake on an Oregon drivers history report?

Having a mistake on your OR driving record might be problematic in the future. If you find any error on your driving history, report it immediately to the Oregon Department of Motor Vehicles. Keep a clean driving history record and you will get lower insurance premiums and more chances of getting a new job.

What is not included on my Oregon driving record report?

Employers and insurance companies order Oregon driving records to become familiar with the driver in question. They might also need additional information aside of the driving history report, such as your financial or criminal history:

Oregon Vehicle Registration History

The Oregon Department of Motor Vehicles offers both driving records and vehicle registration histories for every driver. This document proves how many vehicles you have previously owned or registered in your name, without going through the trouble of recollecting all pieces of information when you need them.

Driving Record Fees in Oregon

The Oregon driving record fees depend on the type of document you request. Thus, consider the following costs related to these DMV records:

Driving Record Forms

Note: DMV forms change regularly. The forms provided above are current based on the date of writing.

Last updated on Wednesday, October 14 2020.


  1. Available DMV Records & Fees from